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日期: 2022-05-26

1柳燕Early   Detection of SARS-CoV‑2 Seroconversion in Humans with Aggregation-InducedSCI14.588通讯作者ACS   Nano.2021 May 25;15(5):8996-9004.
2陈明Enhancing   GABAergic signaling ameliorates aberrant gamma oscillation of olfactory bulb   in AD mouseSCI14.195第一作者安医大第二单位
3蔡永萍Hypoxia-Induced   Suppression of Alternative Splicing of    MBD2 Promotes Breast Cancer Metastasis viaSCI源期刊12.701共同第一(排第三)Cancer   Res, 2021, 81(5): 1265-1278
4沈兵Orai3   exacerbates apoptosis of lens epithelial cells by disrupting Ca2+ homeostasisSCI11.492通讯作者Clinical   and Translational Medicine. 2021 Mar 04; 11: e327, 1-5.
5王烈成The   NAergic locus coeruleus-ventrolateral preoptic area neural circuit mediates   rapid arousal from sSCI10.8第5(并列通讯作者) Curr Biol,2021 Sep   13;31(17):3729-3742.e5. 
6赵祖志An   indicator displacement assay-based optical chemosensor for heparin with a   dual-readout andSCI期刊10.618通讯作者Biosensors   and Bioelectronics, 2021, 194, 113612
7吴强Development   of Aptamer-Based Molecular Tools for Rapid Intraoperative DiagnosisSCI9.2293共同通讯ACS   Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13(14), 16118–16126.
8陈志武Endothelium-   derived hydrogen sulfide acts as a hyperpolarizing factor and exerts   neuroprotectiveSCI8.74通讯作者中科院1区
9查晓军Poly-L-arginine   promotes asthma angiogenesis throughSCI8.469通讯作者Cell   Death Disease (2021) 12(8):761
10查晓军AKT1-CREB   stimulation of PDGFRα expression is pivotal for PTEN deficient tumor   developmentSCI源期刊8.469通讯作者Cell   Death Disease (2021) 12(2):172
11赵婷婷Dynamic   tracking of p21 mRNA in living cells by sticky-flares for the visual   evaluation of the tumor treatment effectSCI源期刊7.79
12都建Protective   Effect Against Toxoplasmosis in BALB/c Mice Vaccinated With Recombinant   Toxoplasma gondii MIF, CDPK3, and 14-3-3 Protein Cocktail Vaccine.SCI源期刊7.561
Frontiers   in immunology
13徐结苟Surfactant   Proteins A/D-CD14 on Alveolar Macrophages Is a Common PathwaySCI7.561共通讯(最后)Front   Immunol 2021;12
14方皓舒Effects   of Lipopolysaccharide-Binding Protein (LBP) Single Nucleotide Polymorphism   (SNP)in infectionSCI7.5通讯作者Frontiers   in Immunology 2021 Jul 6;12:681810.
15丁克硕Multiomics   analysis of tumor mutational burden across cancer types.SCI源期刊7.271通讯作者Comput   Struct Biotechnol J. 2021 Oct 12;19:5637-5646.安医第一单位(第一作者单位)
16查晓军RUNX1/EGFR   pathway contributes to STAT3SCI7.2通讯作者Molecular   Therapy Oncolytics (2021) 23:387-401
17王栋The   Potential Protective Effect of MesencephalicSCI6.922共同通讯Journal   of Inflammation Research, 14: 2781-2791.
18方皓舒HMGB1/TLR4   Signaling Affects Regulatory T Cells in Acute Lung InjurySCI6.9通讯作者Inflammation   Research. 2021 Apr 19;14:1551-1561
19都建RNF2   Mediates Hepatic Stellate Cells Activation by Regulating ERK/p38 Signaling   PathwaySCI源期刊6.7通讯作者Frontiers   in cell and developmental biology, 2021, 9, 634902.
20赵烨Connexin26   Modulates the Radiosensitivity of CutaneousSCI6.684通讯作者in   Cell
    Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021, 9: 1609
21胡小绘Differential   Kat3 Usage Orchestrates the Integration of Cellular Metabolism with   DifferentiationSCI源期刊6.639
22卫晓慧Adipocyte-derived   Leptin Promotes PAI-1-mediated Breast Cancer Metastasis in a STAT3/miR-34a   MannerSCI6.639第一作者(排名第二)Cancers,   2020,12(12),3864.2020年12月21号发表,当年未作为业绩统计
23邵伟Long   Noncoding RNAs Regulate the Inflammatory Responses of MacrophagesSCI源期刊6.6
24沈兵Sensitive   detection of microRNA-21 in cancer cells and human serum with Au@SiSCI6.558共同通讯作者Analytica   Chimica Acta. 2021 Feb 22; 1147: 56-63.
25徐有志The   Role of Oxidative Stress in Hyperuricemia and XanthineSCI6.543通讯作者Oxid   Med Cell Longev.2021 Mar 26;2021:1470380.
26董六一Vitexin   Mitigates Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats by Regulating   MitochondrialSCI源期刊6.543第一通讯
27都建The   Role of Mitochondria in Liver Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury: From Aspects  of MitochondrialSCI源期刊6.543通讯作者Oxidative   medicine and cellular longevity.2021:6670579.
28刘淼JQ-1   ameliorates schistosomiasis liver fibrosis by suppressing JAK2 and STAT3   activationSCI6.529通讯作者Biomedicine   & pharmacotherapy. 2021 Oct 5;144:112281
29沈兵IL-17   stimulates neutrophils to release S100A8/A9 to promote lung epithelial cellSCI6.529共同通讯作者2021   Sep 22; 143: 112184.
30沈兵Physical   interaction of tropomyosin 3 and STIM1 regulates vascular smooth muscleSCI6.529通讯作者Biomedicine   & Pharmacotherapy. 2021 Feb; 134: 111126.
31乔磊Targeted   delivery and stimulus-responsive release
    of anticancer drugs for efficient chemotherapy
SCI源期刊6.419第一作者Drug   Delivery (2021)28,2218-2228
32都建Emerging   role of RNF2 in cancer: From bench to bedside, Journal of cellular physiologySCI源期刊6.4通讯作者Journal   of cellular physiology, 2021,236(8), 5453-65.
33易启毅SPNS2   Downregulation Induces EMT and Promotes Colorectal Cancer MetastasisSCI论文6.244共第一作者Frontiers   in Oncology, 2021, 11:682773
34丁克硕NUDT21   Promotes Tumor Growth and Metastasis Through Modulating SGPP2 in Human   Gastric Cancer.SCI源期刊6.244通讯作者Front   Oncol. 2021 Sep 30;11:670353.安医第一单位(第一作者单位)
35丁克硕A   Novel Small Molecular Antibody, HER2-Nanobody, Inhibits Tumor Proliferation   in HER2-PositiveSCI源期刊6.244通讯作者Front   Oncol. 2021 May 12;11:669393.安医第一单位(第一作者单位)
36董六一Clinical   and Molecular Differentiation Between Malignant Rhabdoid Tumor ofSCI源期刊6.244共同通讯作者
37梁亮Invasive   Corridor of Clivus Extension in Pituitary Adenoma: Bony Anatomic   Consideration, Surgical oSCI源期刊6.244通讯作者Front   Oncol. 2021;11:689943.
38吴正升Pan-Cancer   Prognostic Role and Targeting Potential of the Estrogen-Progesterone AxisSCI源期刊6.244通讯作者
39吴正升Clinical   Relevance and Prognostic Value of the Neuronal Protein Neuroligin 2 in Breast   CancerSCI源期刊6.244通讯作者排第二
40范新炯Reshaping   the active pocket of esterase Est816 for resolution ofSCI源期刊6.119通讯作者CATALYSIS   SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2021,11(18), 6126-6133
41李维祖Ginsenoside   Rg1 alleviates Aβ deposition by inhibiting NADPH oxidase 2 activation in   APP/PS1 miceSCI6.06通讯作者Journal   of Ginseng Research 45 (2021) 665-675,中科院1区
42杨雁Smad3   C-terminal phosphorylation site mutation attenuates the hepatoprotective…SCI6.023通讯作者Food   and Chemical Toxicology 2021, 147: 111912(1-13)
43易启毅Clinical   and Molecular Correlates of NLRC5 ExpressionSCI论文5.89通讯作者Frontiers   in Bioengineering and Biotechnology,2021,9:690186
44范新炯Enhanced   production of  (S)-2-arylpropionic acids by proteinSCI源期刊5.89通讯作者Frontiers   in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 9,2021.593
45王晓楠PCBP2   Posttranional Modifications Induce Breast Cancer Progression via   Upregulation of UFD1SCI5.852第一作者Molecular   cancer research :  2021;19(1):86-98.
46金娟Function   of uric acid transporters and their inhibitors in hyperuricaemiaSCI5.81通讯(最后)
47鲁云霞Sitagliptin   reduces endothelial dysfunction and apoptosis inducedSCI源期刊5.81通讯作者Front   Pharmacol. 2021.8,31;12:670389.
48周海胜A   negative feedback loop involving NF-κB/TIR8    regulates IL-1βSCI源期刊5.782通讯作者Journal   of Cell Communication and Signaling. 2021 May; 15:393–403
49张胜权Downregulated   expression of IL‑28RA is involved in theSCI源期刊5.65通讯作者INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY 59: 55, 2021
50余莉Diverse   roles of TgMIC1/4/6 in the Toxoplasma infectionSCI5.64通讯作者Front.   Microbiol., 17 June 2021,12:666506.
51易启毅Effects   of 1p/19q Codeletion on Immune Phenotype in Low Grade GliomaSCI论文5.505通讯作者Frontiers   in Cellular Neuroscience,2021,15:704344
52邓雪飞Texture   analysis based on U-Net neural network for intracranial hemorrhage   identification predicts eSCI源期刊5.428通讯作者Comput   Meth Prog Bio, 2021, 206(7): 106140.
53朱友余Improved   window adaptive gray level co-occurrence matrix for extraction and analysis   of texture charSCI源期刊5.428通讯作者Comput   Methods Programs Biomed, 2021, 208(9): 106263.
54陈明High   fat diet-induced obesity leads to depressive and anxiety-[like] behaviors in   mice via AMPK/mTOR-mediated autophagySCI源期刊5.33
Experimental   Neurology
55张贵阳Covalent   organic framework-based assembly
    systems for the intracellular delivery of
SCI源期刊5.307通讯作者Nanomedicine   (Lond.), 2021, 16 (15), 1259
56易启毅HSD17B6   downregulation predicts poor prognosis and drivesSCI论文5.241通讯作者Cell   Death Discovery, 2021, 7:341
57陈志武H2S   protects hippocampal neurons against hypoxia-reoxygenation injury by   promotingSCI5.24通讯作者中科院2区
58高杉Xin-Ji-Er-Kang   protects myocardial and renal injury in hypertensive heart failure in mice中科院一区5.24通讯作者Phytomedicine,   2021, 91,153675.
59汪思应Global   Screening of LUBAC and OTULIN Interacting Proteins by Human Proteome   MicroarraySCI5.201通讯作者Frontiers   in Cell and Developmental Biology.2021 Jun 28;9:686395.
60陶文娟Switching   of delta opioid receptor subtypes in central amygdala microcircuits is   associated withSCI5.2通讯作者
61张乐莎X-ray   causes mRNA trans change to enhance Orai2-mediated Ca2+ influx in rat   brain…SCI5.2通讯作者Frontiers   in Molecular Biosciences 2021,8:646730
62张乐莎Activation   of the d-opioid receptor relieves cerebral ischemic injury in rats   viaEGFRtransactivationSCI5通讯作者Life   Sciences 2021,273:119292
63黄学应Effects   of sorafenib on fibroblast-[like] synoviocyte apoptosis in rats with adjuvant   arthritisSCI源期刊4.932通讯作者Int   Immunopharmacol. 2020 Jun;83:106418.
64黄学应Scar-reducing   effects of gambogenic acid on skin wounds in rabbit earsSCI源期刊4.932通讯作者Int   Immunopharmacol. 2021 Jan;90:107200.
65汪思应Chronic   alcohol exposure promotes HCC stemness and metastasis through   β-catenin/miR-22-3p/TET2 axisSCI4.831通讯作者Aging-US.2021   May 21;13(10):14433-14455.
66朱亚玲Lipopolysaccharide-induced   tranional changes in LBP-deficient rat and its possible implications   for the liver dysregulation during sepsisSCI源期刊4.818
Journal   of Immunology Research
67朱亚玲Lipopolysaccharide-Induced   Tranional Changes in LBP-Deficient Rat and Its Possible Implications   for Liver Dysregulation during SepsisSCI源期刊4.818
68王妹梅The   Role of Apoptosis Pathway in the Cytotoxicity Induced by Fresh and Aged Zinc   Oxide NanoparticlesSCI4.71(共通讯,排最后)Nanoscale   Research Letters, (2021) 16:129-140.安徽医科大学为第一作者和通讯作者单位
69许奇Medial   Parabrachial Nucleus Is
    Essential in Controlling Wakefulness in Rats
SCI4.677第一作者Frontiers   in Neuroscience,2021,15,doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.645877
70钟明奎Effect   of Restricted Feeding on
    Metabolic Health and Sleep-Wake
    Rhythms in Aging Mice
SCI4.677共同通讯作者Neuroscience,2021,15,doi:   10.3389/fnins.2021.745227
71朱亚玲Dysregulated   H3K27 acetylation is implicated in fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome in   chickens.SCI4.599第一作者Frontiers   in Genetics 2021; 11:574167
72朱亚玲Comparative   Analysis of Promoters and Enhancers in Pituitary Gland of Bama Xiang and   Large WhiteSCI4.599共同一作Frontiers   in Genetics. 2021; doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.697994.
73丁克硕Suppression   of CPSF6 Enhances Apoptosis Through Alternative Polyadenylation-Mediated   Shortening ofSCI源期刊4.599共同第一作者Front   Genet. 2021 Sep 14;12:707644.安医第二单位(第二作者单位)
74沈兵Enhanced   store-operated Ca2+ signal of small intestinal smooth muscle cells   acceleratesSCI4.566共同通讯作者2021   Oct 20; 12:691867.
75朱华庆Extracellular   Vesicles in
    Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
SCI源期刊4.566通讯作者frontiers   in physiology,12,2021.7,1073
76朱华庆The   expression of NLK is functionally associated withSCI源期刊4.553通讯作者Journal   of Cancer,2021; 12(23): 7088-7100.
77任振华Do   proinflammatory cytokines play a role in clozapine-associated glycometabolism   disorders?SCI源期刊4.53通讯作者Psychopharmacology   (Berl). 2021 Mar 27
78李维祖Ginsenoside   Rg1 attenuates LPS-induced cognitive impairments and neuroinflammationSCI4.451通讯作者Journal   of Functional Foods. 87 (2021) 104791
79文继月CSE-Derived   H2S Inhibits Reactive Astrocytes Proliferation and Promotes Neural Functional   RecoverySCI论文4.418通讯作者
80杨雁Astragaloside   IV inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma by continually suppressing…SCI4.36通讯作者J   Ethnopharmacol, 2021, 279: 114350.(1-13)
81张骏艳The   role and mechanism of hyperoside against myocardial infarction in mice by   regulating autophagy vSCI源期刊4.36通讯作者Journal   of Ethnopharmacology
82朱华庆Role   of moesin in the effect of glucagon-[like] peptide-1SCI源期刊4.315通讯作者Cellular   Signalling,2021.7,90(2022)
83朱金行Target   identification of hepatic
    fibrosis using Pien Tze Huang based
    on mRNA and lncRNA
SCI4.3第一Scientific   Reports. 2021 8 11(1):16980
84方伟军One-pot   synthesis of vancomycin-encapsulated ZIF-8
    nanoparticles as multivalent and photocatalytic
SCI期刊4.22第一通讯Journal   of Materials Science, 2021, 56, 9434-9444
85秦宜德Bioactive   Hexapeptide Reduced the Resistance of Ovarian Cancer CellsSCI源期刊4.207通讯作者Journalof   Cancer,2021,12(20):6081-6093
86胡汪来MiRNA-202-5p   promotes Colorectal Carcinogenesis through suppression of PTEN医学3区4.207通讯作者Journal   of Cancer 2021, Vol. 12唯一通讯作者,安医大欧洲杯买球完全官网第一单位
87秦宜德Killing   efficiency affected by mutually modulated PD-1 and PD-L1SCI源期刊4.196通讯作者Immunotherapy,2021,13(2):113-123
88汪思应SHP2   inhibition enhances the anticancer effect of Osimertinib in EGFR T790M mutant   lungSCI4.175通讯作者Cancer   Cell International. 2021 Jul 3;21(1):337.
89杨帆(病生)SHP2   inhibition enhances the anticancer effect of Osimertinib in EGFR T790M mutant   lungSCI4.175共同一作Cancer   Cell International. 2021 Jul 3;21(1):337.
90徐结苟Exogenous   L-carnitine ameliorates burn-induced cellular and mitochondrial injury of   hepatocytesSCI4.169共通讯(最后)Nutr   Metab 2021 Jun 24;18(1)
91贺威GFI1   promotes the proliferation and migration of esophageal squamous cell   carcinoma cellsSCI源期刊4.101通讯作者INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOlecular medicine 48: 184, 2021
92王欣FTIR   microspectroscopic investigation of Lactobacillus paracasei apoptosis induced   by cisplatinSCI4.098通讯作者SPECTROCHIMICA   ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY,2021, 252: 119542.
93王欣FTIR   microspectroscopic study of biomacromolecular changes in As2O3 induced MGC803   cells apoptosisSCI4.098通讯作者SPECTROCHIMICA   ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY,2021, 263: 120220.
94王栋Mono-macrophage-derived   MANF AlleviatesSCI4.092第一通讯作者Inflammation,   44(5): 1916-1926.
95蔡莉Penta-acetyl   geniposide suppresses migration, invasion, and inflammationSCI源期刊4.092第一作者Inflammation,   2021. doi: 10.1007/s10753-021-01495-y
96刘珺Phospho-Smad3L   promotes progression of hepatocellular carcinoma through decreasing   miR-140-5p levelSCI论文4.088通讯作者Phospho-Smad3L   promotes progression of hepatocellular carcinoma through decreasing   miR-140-5p level and stimulating epithelial-mesenchymal transition,Digestive   and Liver Disease,2021,53(10):1343-1351.
97任振华MST4   attenuates NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated neuroinflammation and affects the   prognosis after intracSCI源期刊4.077通讯作者Brain   Res Bull. 2021 Sep 14;177:31-38.
98詹鹤琴TFEB   promotes BCL-2 expression by upregulating itspromoter activity in the t(6;11)   translocationSCI源期刊4.06第一作者Am   J Transl Res. 2021 Aug 15;13(8):8804-8818.
99贺威LncRNA   PTPRG-AS1 facilitates glycolysis and stemness properties ofSCI源期刊4.029通讯作者Journal   of gastroenterology and hepatology, 2021
100方皓舒The   Cytokine Profiles and Immune Response Are Increased in COVID-19 PatientsSCI4通讯作者Journal   of Diabetes Research 2021 Jan 2;2021:9526701
101都建Global   proteome profiling of human livers upon ischemia/reperfusion treatmentSCI源期刊3.99通讯作者Clinical   proteomics.2021, 18: 3
102杜卫东A   simple lectin-based biochip might display the potential clinicalSCI3.932第一通讯作者Ann   trans med.2021,9(7):544
103吴强A   simple lectin-based biochip might display the potential clinicalSCI3.932共同通讯Ann   Transl Med.2021 Apr; 9 (7):544. doi: 10.21037/atm-20-7315.
104谢芬芬Melatonin   ameliorates ovarian dysfunction by regulating autophagy in PCOS via the   PI3K-Akt pathway.SCI3.906第一作者SCI期刊
105余莉Differential   expression of TgMIC1 in isolates of Chinese 1 Toxoplasma with different   virulence.SCI3.876通讯作者Parasit   Vectors. 2021 May 13;14(1):253.
106杜卫东Do   combined assays of serum AFP, AFP-L3, DCP, GP73, and DKK-1 efficiently   improve the clinicalSCI3.8692通讯作者第一Expert   Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology,2021,15(9):1065-1076
107吴强Do   combined assays of serum AFP, AFP-L3, DCP, GP73, and DKK-1 efficiently   improve the clinicalSCI3.8692第二作者2021   Mar 18; 1-13. doi: 0.1080/17474124.2021.1900731
108都建RTN1-C   mediates cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury via modulating autophagySCI源期刊3.85通讯作者Acta   Biochim Biophys Sin. 2021;53:170-178.
109吴正升Predicted   the P2RX7 rs3751143 polymorphism is associated with cancer risk: a   meta-analysisSCI源期刊3.84通讯作者排第二
110汪思应H.   pylori infection induces CXCL8 expression and promotes gastric cancer   progressSCI3.825通讯作者Molecular   Carcinogenesis. 2021 Aug;60(8):524-537.
111张乐莎Blue   light insertion at night is involved in sleep and arousal-promoting response   delays and…SCI3.8通讯作者Bioscience   Reports 2021,41(3):BSR20204033
112黄学应Sorafenib   suppresses proliferation rate of fibroblast-[like] synoviocytes through the   arrest of cell cSCI源期刊3.765通讯作者J   Pharm Pharmacol. 2020 Jul;72(7):863-872.
113李维组NLRP1   inflammasome involves in learning and memory impairments and neuronal damages   during aging process in miceSCI源期刊3.759
114杜忆南Integrate   analysis of the promote function of Cell division cycle-associated protein   family to …SCI3.738通讯作者International   Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021 Jan 1;18(3):672-684
115张凤云Phosphofructokinase-1   inhibition promotes neuronal differentiation of neural stem cell and   functionaSCI3.59通讯兼第一作者neuroscience   459(2021)27-38.
116董六一Epac1   Signaling Pathway Mediates the Damage and Apoptosis of InnerSCI源期刊3.59共同通讯作者
117文继月RhoA/ROCK   signaling pathway and astrocytes in ischemic strokeSCI论文3.584通讯作者
118鲁云霞Liraglutide   regulates lipid metabolism via FGF21-LKB1-AMPK-ACC1 pathway in white adiposeSCI源期刊3.575通讯作者iochemical   and Biophysical Research Communications.2021, 548: 120-126.
119韦文美Theoretical   Study on the Mechanism of the Acylate Reaction of
SCI论文3.512第一作者ACS   Omega, 2021, 6, 12598−12604
120方皓舒LBP   Protects Hepatocyte Mitochondrial Function via the PPAR-CYP4a2 Signaling   PathwaySCI3.5通讯作者Shock.   2021 Dec 1;56(6):1066-1079
121金娟iRhom1   rescues cognitive dysfunction in multipleSCI3.449通讯(最后)
122应松成Case   Report: Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome Caused by Novel TREX1 VariantsSCI源期刊3.4通讯作者Front   Pediatr.2021 Apr 28;9:634281
123杜鹃Orai-IGFBP3   signaling complex regulates high-glucose exposure-induced increased   proliferation, permeability, and migration of human coronary artery   endothelial cellsSCI源期刊3.388
124乔磊Preparation   of ashless cellulose paper standards for rapid determination of multi-element   concentratSCI源期刊3.361第一作者RSC   Advances (2021)11,6644.
125赵俊Inhibitory   effects of recombinant porcine interferon-α on porcine
SCI3.293通讯作者Veterinary   Microbiology 252(2021)108930
126华娟MBOAT1   homozygous missense variant causes nonobstructive azoospermiaSCI源期刊3.285通讯作者Asian   J Androl. 2021 Sep 24.
127吴强Tumor-associated   neutrophils activated by tumor-derived CCL20 (C-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 20)SCI3.269通讯作者Bioengineered,   2021, 12:1, 6996-7006, DOI: 10.1080/21655979.2021.1977102.
128王维Direct   enzyme-linked aptamer assay (DELAA) for diagnosis of toxoplasmosis by   detection of SAG1 protein in mice and humansSCI源期刊3.112
Acta   Tropica
129尹玉NMyc   promotes angiogenesis and therapeutic resistance of prostate cancer   by TEM8SCI3.064通讯作者Medical   Oncology. 2021; 38(10): 127.
130杨雁Smad3   gene C‑terminal phosphorylation site mutation exacerbates CCl4‑induced   hepatic…SCI3通讯作者Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s   Archives of Pharmacology, 2021, 394:1779-86
131应松成Dual   roles of SAMHD1 in tumor development and chemoresistance to anticancer drugsSCI源期刊3通讯作者Oncol   Lett 2021 Jun;21(6):451
132李卫平Ginsenoside   Rg1 ameliorates aging-induced liver fibrosisSCI2.952通讯作者Molecular   Medicine REPORTS 24: 801, 2021.
133李卫平Astragaloside   IV alleviates liver injury in type 2 diabetesSCI2.952通讯作者MOLECULAR   MEDICINE REPORTS 23: 437, 2021.
134张胜权Cholesterol   biosynthesis inhibitor RO 48‑8071 inhibitsSCI源期刊2.952通讯作者MOLECULAR   MEDICINE REPORTS 24: 828, 2021
135吕正梅Impact   of diabetic hyperglycaemia and insulin therapy on autophagy and impairment in   rat epididymisSCI2.775通讯作者Andrologia.   2020 Dec;52(11):e13889
136汪思应SHP2   Inhibition Benefits Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-mutated Non-Small Cell   Lung Cancer TherapySCI2.733通讯作者Mini-Reviews   in Medicinal Chemistry.2021;21(11):1314-1321.
137黄升海Respiratory   syncytial virus infection of microglia exacerbates SH-SY5Y neuronal cell   injurySCI2.699通讯作者Iranian   Journal of Basic Medical Sciences.    2021 February; 24(2):213-221.
138朱亚玲Effect   of JAK-STAT pathway in regulation of fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome in   chickens.SCI2.509第一作者Animal   Bioscience. 2021;34(1):143-53.
139王林定Prevalence   and Risk Factors of Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Infection among   Han and Uygur Populations in Xinjiang, ChinaSCI源期刊2.471
Canadian   Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology
140庞刚Extracellular   Matrix-Associated Pathways Promote the Progression of Gastric Cancer by   implacting theSCI源期刊2.466通讯作者2021   Oct 13;14:6725-6739.
141李维祖Ginsenoside   Rg1 alleviates lipopolysaccharide-induced neuronal damageSCI2.447通讯作者EXPERIMENTAL   AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE, 2021,22: 782
142杨雁Salvianolic   acid B protects against acute and chronic liver injury by inhibiting   Smad2C/L…SCI2.447通讯作者Exp   Ther Med, 2021, 21: 341(1-9)
143李少兵β‑elemene   inhibits non‑small cell lung cancer cell migration and invasion by   inactivating the FAK-SrSCI源期刊2.447第一作者Exp   Ther Med. 2021 Oct;22(4):1095.
144陈明Soluble   b-amyloid impaired the GABA inhibition by mediating KCC2 in early APP/PS1   miceSCI2.4通讯作者
145周畅Evaluation   of serum IgM and IgG antibodies in COVID-19 patients by enzyme linked   immunosorbent assaySCI2.327第一作者Journal   of medical Virology. 2020;10.1002.
146尹艳艳The   variations of endophilin A2-FoxO3a-autophagy signal in angiotensin II–inducedSCI2.273通讯作者Can   J Physiol Pharmacol
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147董六一Vitexin   regulates Epac and NLRP3 and ameliorates chronicSCI源期刊2.273第一通讯作者
148黄升海Near   full-length genomic characterization of 16 HIV-1 CRF01_AE primary isolates   from Guangxi, China.SCI2.205通讯作者AIDS   Research and Human Retroviruses, 2021, 37(7):572-579.
149柳燕Evaluation   of serum IgM and IgG antibodies in COVID-19 patients by enzyme linkedSCI2.021通讯作者J   Med Virol. 2021 May;93(5):2857-2866.
150杨雁Abnormal   phosphorylation of tau protein and neuroinflammation induced by laparotomy…SCI1.972通讯作者Experimental   Brain Research, 2021, 239: 867-80
151韦文美Theoretical   study on spectral differences of polypeptides constituted by L- and D-amino   acidsSCI论文1.962通讯作者Molecular   Physics, 2021, 119, e1812747
152蔡永萍Seven-year   disease-free survival in a patient with osteoclast-[like] giant cell-containing   pancreaticSCI源期刊1.925共同第一(排第一)Int   J Clin Exp Pathol. 2020 Dec 1;13(12):3200-3205
153陈妮Simulated   design of neutron ambient dose equivalent meterSCI1.9第一通讯作者Radiation   Measurements, 2021, 144(1):106582
154刘超Age-related   changes in expression of lysine48 and lysine63 ubiquitin linkage in dopamine   neurons ofSCI1.837通讯作者Neuroreport.   32(7):569-576,2021.
155赵俊Acute   and sub-chronic toxicity study
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156程娟Anti-nociceptive   Effects of Dexmedetomidine , Pain Physician. 2021;24(5):E565-E572SCI4.965共一IF:4.965   安徽医科大学第一单位
157杨帆(化学)Shewanella   oneidensis MR-1 in situ biosynthesis of Ag nanoparticles on TiO2 nanotubes   with enhancedSCI0.975通讯作者Micro   & Nano Letters, 2020, Vol. 15, Iss. 14, pp. 1007–1011
通讯作者中华全科医学.   2021,19(9): 1504-1506.
通讯作者安徽医科大学学报。   2021 Jul; 56(7):1012-1015
通讯作者中国临床药理学杂志.   2021,37(19)
163杜卫东下调   PMEPA1表达对肝癌细胞 HepG2增殖与转移的影响核心
排名第三安   徽 医 科 大 学 学 报,2021,56(5):741-745
164柳燕新型冠状病毒核酸荧光型RT-RAA   检测方法的建立及其评价.核心
通讯作者安徽医科大学学报.   2021, 56 (6): 980-985.
通讯作者临床与实验病理学杂志,2021   May;37(5):618-619
通讯作者临床与实验病理学杂志,2021   Sep;37(9):1026-1031
通讯作者临床与实验病理学杂志,2021   May;37(5):525-530
第五作者安徽医科大学学报,2021   Sep; 56( 9):1430-1435
通讯作者临床与实验病理学杂志,2021   Jun;37(6):674-678
第一作者临床与实验病理学杂志,2021   Jan;37(1):23-28
通讯作者中国药理学通报   2021;37(6):809-14.
174李维祖人参皂苷   Rg1 下调 NOX2-NLRP1 减轻 PC12 细胞缺氧再复氧损伤的作用核心期刊
通讯作者中国药理学通报,   2021;37( 8):1068-75
181张胜权羊毛固醇合成酶抑制剂   RO 对 KCs 细胞增殖的影响核心期刊
通讯作者安徽医科大学学报,2021   Feb; 56( 2),176-179
通讯作者安徽医科大学学报,2021   Aug; 56( 8),1335-1338
183张素梅低氧降低肺癌   A549 细胞对培美曲塞的药物敏感性核心期刊
通讯作者安徽医科大学学报,2021   Jun; 56( 6),866-870
通讯作者中华结直肠疾病电子杂志   2021,10(5):497-504
190郭岩RhoA激酶的硫巯基化修饰在硫化氢抗大鼠神经细胞缺氧性损伤中的作用.中国药理学通报.   2021,37(7):979-984中文核心
通讯作者安徽医科大学学报,2020,   55(12):1964-1967  (补报)
通讯作者安徽医科大学学报,2021,   56(2): 294-298,305
194陈志武小鼠神经细胞中胱硫醚B合成酶催化生成的H2S对脑微血管内皮细胞增殖、迁移的影响及与VEGFR2的关系. 中文核心期刊
通讯作者中国药理学通报,   2021,37(8):138-144.
通讯作者安徽医科大学学报   2021,56(07)
通讯作者中国药理学通报   2021;37(6):809-14.
200王晓楠Mago   nashi、Y14蛋白复合物参与生殖和细胞调控的研究进展四类
第一作者世界最新医学信息文摘,   2021,21(8):71-74.
202华娟WDR12   对 GC-1 细胞增殖凋亡及核糖体蛋白基因表达的影响核心期刊
通讯作者安徽医科大学学报   2021,56(07)








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